I think this is a truly great inaugural essay on your Substack - one that, through the strength of its brilliant intellectual and moral argumentation, I think could help red-pill normies to White advocacy - and I plan to share it with normy, nonred-pilled friends and relatives. But I believe it could be made even more effective for this purpose by giving it a zippier, more intriguing , more attention-grabbing title and introduction. I've said elsewhere that I hope what Michael Anton’s “Flight 93 Election” was to a morally and intellectually defensible Trumpism, this essay will become to White advocacy. And I believe that essay - as well as, say, Mark Steyn's essay "It's the Demography, Stupid!" - could be models in that respect. Whatever you think of those authors and their arguments, their essays opened a lot of eyes to their respective subjects, and I think that was in no small part owing to their attention-grabbing (even if gimmicky) titles and intros. Anyway, great first essay, Mr. Davis, and I look forward to many more great pieces.

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I love that the robot lady can read it to me. Gonna listen to this one many times.

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Fantastic essay Joel. Echoing the comment by Based Georgist, but taking the sentiment a bit further, I think a sort of streamlined idiot’s version reduced in the most artful fashion to a maximally concise series of logical conclusions could prove very effective for a wider white audience. Your evolution continues to impress!

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